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Cloud-First AI Solutions

Trinath Bera


Nearly everywhere you look in today’s global marketplace, you’ll spot an ever-increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions combined with cloud computing technologies. You might even personally use AI in cloud solutions in the form of digital assistants, such as Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Google Home. But how far down the AI solutions rabbit hole are you ready to take your business?

If you are still on the fence about adopting AI in the cloud for your enterprise, you might benefit from exploring why cloud-first AI solutions are vital to your business’s growth now and in the future.

Transformative IT Infrastructure That Spurs Growth and Competition

Today’s top AI cloud platforms, like AWS, are reimagining and transforming traditional IT infrastructure to help you keep up with the competition within your industry. It comes down to your potentially falling behind the competition if you don’t adopt AI in the cloud, making it a little like high-tech peer pressure thanks to the increasing demand for AI-optimized cloud application infrastructure. Basically, everyone is doing it, so it’s best to stay ahead of the curve to minimize the need for a panicked adoption later.
The top vendors make it easy for you by introducing specialized IT platforms that feature pre-designed storage and computing resources combinations to streamline the learning curve for you and your team.

Enhanced Data Access and Data Analysis

AI and data go hand-in-hand, and to a degree, data feeds AI, allowing it to learn and become smarter. Essentially, your computing system learns more without explicit or manual programming. Add to that benefit the cloud’s nearly unlimited data storage capacity, removing delays and other obstacles, and your AI is free to gather, analyse, and interpret data. With massive tomes of data and unlimited resources to access it, your AI can make predictions regarding matters like risks and troubleshoot those issues before they boil to the surface as bona fide problems. Further, training machine learning models is much easier in the cloud. With the right solution, machine learning options don’t require in-depth and intensive AI knowledge, extensive familiarity with machine learning theory, or a group of data scientists.

Reduced Costs

Think about all the time and resources your business has invested in infrastructure upgrades and adding on-site storage, then imagine a business model that removes those concerns. The top cloud AI platforms can do that for your organization and much more. With a cloud AI solution, you can purchase only the amount of storage you need for the data you currently possess and what you anticipate ahead, knowing you can scale to your enterprise’s needs. It also frees your IT team to manage on-site matters, such as purchasing, installing, updating, and maintaining employees’ hardware devices.

AI cloud platforms also reduce or eliminate the need for your executive and IT teams to perform continuous tech research in a field where everyone struggles to keep up with the latest trends and innovations. Your AI cloud service provider stays up-to-date on these concerns as a matter of course, therefore able to pass the benefits of their work along to your business, further allowing your team to attend to core business functions.

Adopting a cloud-first solution puts you on track for keeping up with the competition at a minimum, and along with your own strategies, it will help you move far ahead.

Are You Ready to Adopt Cloud-First Solutions for Your Enterprise?

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